They say abs are made in the kitchen...which is true! But to get a toned body you must workout!

When I started this journey at 220 lbs my workouts were much different than they are today. I was lucky if 4 times a week I got in a 20 minute cardio workout. If you are just getting started, do what you can! Something is always better than nothing.

On July 15th I started doing Body FX workouts for one hour, six days a week. When I started I couldn't do burpees, or hold a plank for longer than 10 seconds. But strength and stamina is somewhere I never thought it could be! The JNL workouts are fast, fun and effective. They are 30 second circuits of cardio and strength training. You never get bored and you are done before you know it! If you want to try them for yourself - you can get them here!

Recently I have started going to the gym. Going to the gym in the evenings is not realistic for me with two kiddos. Our life is crazy busy. A 30 minute DVD at home is fine, but dropping my kids in the gym daycare around dinner time is not in the cards. Sooooo, I am VERY lucky and have an amazing gym that I have access to through my job. It is a two second drive from my office. It has everything I need, is usually not too busy and allows me to workout on my lunch break..therefore freeing up my evenings to be with my family. I am still doing a Cardio JNL video about 3 times a week, and then lifting at the gym 3 times a week. I am 10 lbs from goal, I still need cardio in my life...but it is time to tone, tone, tone!! My next goal is to lower my body fat %!

**TIP: if you are going to the gym for your workouts, pack your bag for the week and leave in your car. This means sports bras, socks, blender bottles, everything ready to go for each day! That way you can never use the excuse, "I left my gym bag at home"**


*This routine takes me about 30 minutes & burns about 325 calories, adjust size of weights according to your strength*

20 reps weight crunch on bench (hold weight on chest, crunch up)
30 second mountain climbers
20 reps weight crunch on bench (hold weight on chest, crunch up)
30 second mountain climbers
20 reps weight crunch on bench (hold weight on chest, crunch up)
30 second mountain climbers

20 leg raise on bench
10 split squat with dumbbells
20 leg raise on bench
10 split squat with dumbbells
20 leg raise on bench
10 split squat with dumbbells

20 dumbbell side bend (10 each side)
10 plie squat with dumbbell
20 dumbbell side bend (10 each side)
10 plie squat with dumbbell
20 dumbbell side bend (10 each side)
10 plie squat with dumbbell

10 reps deadlift
10 toe/calf raise
10 reps deadlift
10 toe/calf raise
10 reps deadlift
10 toe/calf raise

Walking lunges with dumbbell twist
30 second plank
Walking lunges with dumbbell twist
30 second plank
Walking lunges with dumbbell twist
30 second plank

30 second wall sit (against yoga ball)
20 dumbbell front squats
30 second wall sit (against yoga ball)
20 dumbbell front squats
30 second wall sit (against yoga ball)
20 dumbbell front squats

10 good mornings
10 burpees
10 good mornings
10 burpees
10 good mornings
10 burpees


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